ISSN: 1300-0012 | E-ISSN: 2458-9446
Volume : 26 Issue : 3 Year : 2025
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Agri - Ağrı: 26 (3)
Volume: 26  Issue: 3 - 2014
1. Evaluation of Affecting Factors and The Effectiveness of Treatment in Cases With Post-Dural Puncture Headache Who Underwent Epidural Blood Patch
Lütfiye Pirbudak, Mete Gurol Uğur, Berna Kaya Uğur, Seval Kul, Süleyman Ganidağlı
PMID: 25205407  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.20591  Pages 101 - 106

2. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy pain: effects of the combination of incisional and intraperitoneal levobupivacaine before or after surgery
Işık Alper, Sezgin Ulukaya, Gülsüm Yüksel, Meltem Uyar, Taner Balcıoğlu
PMID: 25205408  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.42650  Pages 107 - 112

3. Ultrasound-Guided Single-Injection Femoral Nerve Block Provides Effective Analgesia after Total Knee Arthroplasty up to 48 Hours
Levent Şahin, Halil Fatih Korkmaz, Mehrican Şahin, Güneri Atalan
PMID: 25205409  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.83788  Pages 113 - 118

4. The relationship between scapular dyskinesia, pain, range of motion and flexibility in patients with neck and shoulder problems
Nihan Özünlü Pekyavaş, Zuhal Kunduracılar, Aybüke Uzun, Cengiz Ergüneş, Eda Tonga, Metin Karataş
PMID: 25205410  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.55486  Pages 119 - 125

5. The Cognitive Effects of Using Transdermal Fentanyl in Cancer Pain
Nurdan Ünlü, Ayşegül Bilen, Achmet Ali, Namigar Turgut, Aygen Türkmen
PMID: 25205411  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.28291  Pages 126 - 130

6. Changing trends and regional anesthesia practices in Turkey
Yavuz Gürkan, Alparslan Kus, Can Aksu, Cigdem Ohtaroglu, Mine Solak, Kamil Toker
PMID: 25205412  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.26056  Pages 131 - 137

7. A Case Report: Indomethacin Resistance Hemicrania Continua or a New Entity?
Özlem Coşkun, Serap Üçler, Ruhsen Öcal, Levent Ertuğrul İnan
PMID: 25205413  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.41713  Pages 138 - 140

8. Who is Responsible for the Postoperative Nerve Injury? Anesthesia? Orthopedics? Trauma?
Ebru Kelsaka, Fuat Güldoğuş, Murat Erdoğan, Eyüp Çağatay Zengin
PMID: 25205414  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.72621  Pages 141 - 144

9. Ultrasound Guided Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block
İsmet Topçu, İnan Aysel
PMID: 25205415  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.26122  Pages 145 - 148

10. Take a hint: Multiple Sclerosis and headache
Hasan Hüseyin Kozak, Ali Ulvi Uca
PMID: 25205416  doi: 10.5505/agri.2014.99815  Pages 149 - 150