ISSN: 1300-0012 | E-ISSN: 2458-9446
Volume : 18 Issue : 2 Year : 2025
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Agri - Ağrı: 18 (2)
Volume: 18  Issue: 2 - 2006
1. Editorial
Serdar Erdine
Page 1
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Contents

Pages 2 - 4
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Cold applications for the treatment of pain
Arzu Yağız On
PMID: 17089230  Pages 5 - 14

4. Radiation safety in invasive pain medicine
Emin Alp Yentür, Petek Bayındır, Yüksel Pabuşcu
PMID: 17089231  Pages 15 - 22

5. Lateral sagittal infraclavicular block: A case report of three patients.
Tülay Hoşten, Yavuz Gürkan, Alparslan Kuş, Mine Solak, Kamil Toker
PMID: 17089232  Pages 23 - 26

6. Postoperative analgesic effects of lornoxicam after thyroidectomy: A placebo controlled randomized study
Mustafa Arslan, Bilge Tuncer, Avni Babacan, Ferit Taneri, Yener Karadenizli, Erhan Onuk, Bahadır Ege
PMID: 17089233  Pages 27 - 33

7. Comparison of efficacy of gabapentin and amitriptyline in the management of peripheral neuropathic pain
Kader Keskinbora, Ali Ferit Pekel, Işık Aydınlı
PMID: 17089234  Pages 34 - 40

8. Epidural analgesia in labor: Turkish obstetricians’ attitudes and knowledge
Lürfiye Pirbudak, Özcan Balat, İrfan Kutlar, Mete Gürol Ugur, Filiz Sarımehmetoğlu, Ünsal Öner
PMID: 17089235  Pages 41 - 46

9. Abstracts

Pages 47 - 52
Abstract |Full Text PDF

10. Pain Management & Sedation
Gül Köknel Talu
Pages 53 - 54
Abstract |Full Text PDF