ISSN: 1300-0012 | E-ISSN: 2458-9446
Volume : 36 Issue : 4 Year : 2025
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Agri - Ağrı: 36 (4)
Volume: 36  Issue: 4 - 2024
1. Front Matter

Pages I - X

2. Cranial nerve palsies following neuraxial blocks
Mete Manici, Rafet Onur Görgülü, Kamil Darçın, Yavuz Gürkan
PMID: 39431676  doi: 10.14744/agri.2024.69345  Pages 209 - 217

3. The impact of trans-sacral epiduroscopic laser decompression on quality of life in lumbar disc herniation
Sibel Özcan, Arzu Muz, Aysun Yıldız Altun, Rustem Payam, Mehmet Fatih Polat, Selami Ateş Önal
PMID: 39431678  doi: 10.14744/agri.2023.75983  Pages 218 - 226

4. The effect of colored masks used in pediatric emergency clinics on children's pain perception: Randomized controlled study
Eda Gülbetekin, Fatma Gül Can, Selahattin Karagöz
PMID: 39431669  doi: 10.14744/agri.2023.00086  Pages 227 - 235

5. Retrospective evaluation of patients treated with intradiscal discectomy + RFTC using the Disc-Fx method in lumbar discopathy
Hatice Kaykusuz, Süheyla Karadağ Erkoç, İbrahim Aşık
PMID: 39431672  doi: 10.14744/agri.2023.20633  Pages 236 - 247

6. Investigation of trunk muscle endurance and standing balance according to severity of disability in women with moderate to severe disability due to neck pain
Müge Kırmızı, Gamze Yalçınkaya Çolak, Yeşim Salık Şengül, Orhan Kalemci
PMID: 39431680  doi: 10.14744/agri.2023.90907  Pages 248 - 256

7. Pain phenotypes in caregivers of children with cerebral palsy
Tuğba Cirit, İsmail Saraçoğlu
PMID: 39431674  doi: 10.14744/agri.2024.28999  Pages 257 - 265

8. Persistent hiccups as a rare complication after transforaminal epidural steroid injection: A Case Report
Ferhat Ege
PMID: 39431673  doi: 10.14744/agri.2022.90688  Pages 266 - 268

9. An unusual imaging finding mimicking double contour sign following ultrasound-guided intra-articular knee injection of steroid: A case report
Serdar Kokar, Özlem Mercan, Kenan Akgün
PMID: 39431671  doi: 10.14744/agri.2022.10179  Pages 269 - 271

10. Percutaneous fluoroscopic lumbar facet joint synovial cyst aspiration for manifesting with radiculopathy and low back pain
Kamer Dere
PMID: 39431670  doi: 10.14744/agri.2022.07742  Pages 272 - 275

11. Early diagnosis and treatment management with USG in a patient who developed unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis after interscalene block
Zülfü Çevik, Deniz Kara, Ayda Türköz
PMID: 39431675  doi: 10.14744/agri.2022.47750  Pages 276 - 280

12. Bilateral occipital infarcts due to persistent migraine with aura in an elderly
Melek Kandemir Yılmaz, Pınar Kırıklı
PMID: 39431679  doi: 10.14744/agri.2022.79989  Pages 281 - 284

13. Ultrasound-guided ınjections of 2 internal rotators with one needle: Trigger point treatment for shoulder pain
Yakup Erden, Fatih Bağcıer
PMID: 39431677  doi: 10.14744/agri.2023.73444  Pages 285 - 286
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14. Reviewer List

Page 287
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