ISSN: 1300-0012 | E-ISSN: 2458-9446
Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Year: 2025
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The use of transdermal fentanyl in chronic non-malignant pain [Ağrı]
Ağrı. 2005; 17(1): 39-44

The use of transdermal fentanyl in chronic non-malignant pain

Taylan Akkaya, Murat Sayın, Haluk Gümüş
Ssk Ankara Training Hospital, Department Of Anesthesiology And Intensive Care, Ankara, Turkey

Twelve non-malignant pain patients were followed-up for pain, improvement in the quality of life, satisfaction for pain therapy and side effects for a mean of 95.25 days with the use of transdermal fentanyl (TDF). During this period a mean of 32.04 mg/gr TDF was used. While the score of pain at rest was decreased by 52.6%, mean pain score on movement was decreased by 45.2% (p= 0.002). Quality of sleep improved and impairment of daily living by pain was decreased significantly (p= 0.002). Satisfaction by the pain therapy was 83.3% and the most common side effect was nausea (16.8%). TDF may be a good alternative in the therapy of chronic non-malignant pain if patients were selected carefully.

Kronik non-malign ağrılı hastalarda transdermal fentanilin yeri

Taylan Akkaya, Murat Sayın, Haluk Gümüş
Ssk Ankara Training Hospital, Department Of Anesthesiology And Intensive Care, Ankara, Turkey

Corresponding Author: Taylan Akkaya
Manuscript Language: Turkish