ISSN: 1300-0012 | E-ISSN: 2458-9446
Cilt : 17 Sayı : 1 Yıl : 2025
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Nöropatik ağrı: Mekanizmalar, tanı ve tedavi [Ağrı]
Ağrı. 2005; 17(1): 5-13

Nöropatik ağrı: Mekanizmalar, tanı ve tedavi

Ayşen Yücel1, Ali Çimen2
1Anadolu Medical Center, İstanbul, Turkey.
2Elazığ Military Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Elazığ, Turkey

Neuropathic pain: Mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment

Ayşen Yücel1, Ali Çimen2
1Anadolu Medical Center, İstanbul, Turkey.
2Elazığ Military Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Elazığ, Turkey

Neuropathic pain, resulting from the disturbances of central or peripheral nervous system with mechanisms that we cannot explain yet exactly, is really a troublesome situation both for the patient and the physician. Our knowledge about this difficult to diagnose and treat pain condition has improved a lot with the aid of recent experimental and clinical studies. This review summarizes the underlying mechanisms, common conditions, diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain.

Makale Dili: Türkçe