ISSN: 1300-0012 | E-ISSN: 2458-9446
Volume : 16 Issue : 2 Year : 2024
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Agri - Ağrı: 16 (2)
Volume: 16  Issue: 2 - 2004
1. Pain and immun system
I. Aydınlı, K. Keskinbora
PMID: 15152529  Pages 7 - 16

2. Gender and pain
Ş Şahin
PMID: 15152530  Pages 17 - 25

3. Minimal invazive treatment modalities for geriatric pain management
N S Özyalçın
PMID: 15152531  Pages 26 - 36

4. Vertebroplasty
S Erdine
PMID: 15152532  Pages 37 - 40

5. The role of pain in operative strategy
A Keskin
PMID: 15152533  Pages 41 - 43

6. Referred shoulder pain
N. İnan, S. A. Takmaz, A. O. Özcan, B. Dikmen
PMID: 15152534  Pages 44 - 46

7. The effects of application of rectal naproxen on postoperative analgesia, sedation and morfin consumption in heart surgery operations
T. Kayacan, F. Güzelmeriç, H. Oğuş, R. Yaltırık, Ö. Barutçuoğlu, V. Erentuğ, T. Koçak
PMID: 15152535  Pages 47 - 55

8. The effects of sufentanil and remifentanil in the isolated perfused rat kidney
S. Tuncer, H. Barışkaner, A. Yosunkaya, M. Kılıç, N. Doğan, Ş. Otelcioğlu
PMID: 15152536  Pages 56 - 61