Because little evidence of adverse effects is included in the guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of many diseases, it causes “Pregabalinophobia” [Ağrı]
Because little evidence of adverse effects is included in the guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of many diseases, it causes “Pregabalinophobia”
Katsuhiro Toda Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hiroshima Clinic, Hiroshima, Japan Keywords: Pregabalinophobia, pharmacological treatment, adverse effect, pregabalin, guidelines, fibromyalgia
Birçok hastalığın farmakolojik tedavisine yönelik kılavuzlarda yan etkilere ilişkin çok az kanıt yer aldığından, “Pregabalinofobi “ye neden olmaktadır
Katsuhiro Toda Hiroşima Kliniği, Ortopedik Cerrahi Bölümü, Hiroşima, Japonya
Corresponding Author: Katsuhiro Toda, Japan Manuscript Language: English
Toda, K. (2023). Because little evidence of adverse effects is included in the guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of many diseases, it causes “Pregabalinophobia”. Ağrı, 35(3), 181-182.
Toda K. Because little evidence of adverse effects is included in the guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of many diseases, it causes “Pregabalinophobia”. Ağrı. 2023 ;35(3):181-182. doi:10.14744/agri.2022.79803.
Toda K Because little evidence of adverse effects is included in the guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of many diseases, it causes “Pregabalinophobia”. Ağrı. 2023;35(3):181-182. doi:10.14744/agri.2022.79803.
Toda, Katsuhiro "Because little evidence of adverse effects is included in the guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of many diseases, it causes “Pregabalinophobia”." Ağrı vol. 35,3 (2023): 181-182. doi:10.14744/agri.2022.79803.
Toda, Katsuhiro "Because little evidence of adverse effects is included in the guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of many diseases, it causes “Pregabalinophobia”." Ağrı 35, no. 3 (2023): 181-182.